24.25 Wet Land Namselling Just below road
510000 Nu510,000 Per Decimal
For Sale
Exact Location/Car route
Dotey, Gewog, Paro 1-2 acre
Google map/Car route: Click here
As you start your journey to the location, click on the coordinates above in your phone and follow the direction.
Property Description
Located 10 mins drive above Norbu Rigter College in Dotey and 30 mins from main Paro town (9 km from town), this 1-2 acre of land is connected to the new farm road that is constructed to the exact plot which is about 250 meter. The plot is part of 58-acre land owned by the property owner and his family member on which a Nu.1000 crore FDI college is underway. Since the owner has loan obligation the property is listed for sale to clear off Nu.8.4M loan from BNBL. The final selling price of property is Nu.3Lakh per decimal.
Property Valuation & Financing
Per decimal Nu.300,000/-
Amenities and opportunity
The property has road, electricity and reliable water supply.
For inquires please email us at housinng.bt@ gmail.com